
Thursday, December 5, 2019

How you know its not a scamming site or if its fake or real

For the last 2 week we have been talking about what makes you safe online without getting scammed. So another word is phishing that means they steal your personal information. Like example lets say that there's a iPhone 11 pro give away and you just need to give them all of your personal information. To make sure your not getting scammed make sure that at the top of screen at the URL that it says https in green and that there's no spaces. So if someone sends you an email saying

"Hey friend I have just won the lotto of 5 million dollars and if I can put my money in your credit card you can have of the money you just need to give me your credit card number and address"

Somethings are to good to be true. We done something similar about a 1 week ago about tree octopuses and when we were scrolling down the page we saw a picture and rad about it. My class and I gathered all together and when we saw the picture  it looked fake because the tree octopus was on a Christmas tree next to Christmas lights and the tree octopus looked like a toy octopus.

Here's a picture
The easy thing about doing this was seeing the pictures to decide if it's fake or real.
The hardest thing was trying to know if it's a scam or not

Friday, November 29, 2019

Harry Potter Station/Maths

Today for homerooms we had to finish one of our activity´s from last Friday. So it was all just train stations and we had figure out how long it takes to get from one place to another. So an example Herbology to Owerly that would take an hour.

The hardest thing was trying to figure out what the dash means it means it doesn´t stop there.
The easiest part was looking at the timetable and write the answers down.

Crack the code

For the last week in Mrs mcguinnietys math's we have been doing a code the code is about a couple sentences that go with 3 numbers and it will say like wrong place right numbers and that, After that we had to make our own crack the code,But we didn't get time so If we do it next time I will add it into this post.

I found it hard to figure it out
I found it easy to write it down

Monday, November 25, 2019

Factor patterns

For the past few weeks we have bee given a sheet. The sheet was called factor patterns if you don't know what factor patterns is it is basically a number and you got to times it to get to that number. See its that simple here's an example.    20
The easiest thing was doing the factors                           
The hardest thing was trying to figure out what they meant
Here's my picture

Friday, November 22, 2019


Today we got to do a activity called kenning s. A kenning is a poem that gives hints of what it is telling you. It has 2 words and an 'A' in each line. The last word must end in a er. I will show you mine and let's see if you get it read what it is before you check the answer and yes I hand done it.

A Slow walker 

A grass eater

A leaf chomper


That´s a big basketball

Today for cybersmart we got to take a picture and put on on you can change the background. So to do it you co on the site upload the picture that you have taken. You will just download it once you have touched it you would want to make a google drawings. Just take a screen shot of any place that you really want go.

The easiest thing was taking a picture
The hardest part was trying to get the picture on
This is my picture

What is Saturn hiding?

For the past 2 weeks we have been working on a Information Report about a planet we had to do some research about the planet that you done I done Saturn because the ring around it attracts me to the planet that's why I choose it. Once we done doing the report we had to writing some of our facts on a planing sheet.Once we done that we had to get to the real work and do our information report, and write the things from the sheet onto a template. The easiest thing was copying down what was on the sheet the hardest part was thinking of some extra things to put in here's mine.

What is Saturn hiding?

Did you know that All of the planets including Saturn is named after Roman Gods, and only 4 spacecraft’s have been sent from Earth!.If you want to learn more about Saturn then read on to know more.

Did you know that in Saturn is -178 Celsius. If you compare it to Earth,  Africa can reach up to about 55 Celsius. You’ve probably seen a ring on somebody but have you seen a ring around a Planet?. Saturn’s ring is formed from comets,asteroids and even moons broke up into pieces,Saturn’s ring is made of ice,dust and rocks. When gravity pulled swirling gas in with dust.

If Earth ever happened to umm, blow up we could go to Saturn but Is there life on Saturn?. If we did live in Saturn there wouldn’t exactly be solid surface. So say that somewhere in Earth like America had solid surface and we could stand on the ground, but if we were in Saturn we wouldn’t be able to stand on the planet. So we can’t grow anything on the ground because we need solid surface to grow the plants, but if we don’t have plants then we can’t live there because plants help us with food. By the way you can’t breathe on Saturn like Earth does.

Your probably thinking that animals and human beings could live on Saturn, but we can’t i'm gonna tell you why. We can’t live on Saturn because we can be sucked into a black hole and there will be nowhere to escape. There will be nothing to eat there because we can’t plant anything unless we bring some food. But that might not feed you for your whole life. Also because they will get dehydrated unless they try to look for water if there is water?.

Extra facts

Saturn has 62 Moons and, the first astronaut thought the rings were moons.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Train Timetables

Today we had to do a activity about time. So my teacher put up a timetable for how long it takes to get to the place. So the Station's were Leatherhead, Epsom, Wimbledon, Clapham Juction and Waterloo does are real places in London. We had to write that down onto our timetable, beside it had the departure time. We had three questions we had to figure out how long it will take to get one Station to another.

I found it hard to draw the chart
I found it easy to answer the questions 
Here are some photos

Friday, November 1, 2019

Te reo Maori- Where is

Today for Te reo Maori we had to do a activity. The activity is about question's on the sheet and what you have to do is figure out where a and te go. So a is when your talking about a person here's a example in a sentence. Kei hea a Miss Jones  so what just said was in Te Reo Maori. Te means in te reo Maori something or an object  here's an  sentence in Te reo.  Kei hea te Kuri that means where's the dog. My favorite part of the activity was filling it in. That was also the easiest part also the hardest part was trying to remember what the words mean.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Word problems

For maths today we had to do division problems. The first one that I did was 48 divided by 6 that one was easy because you just have to use your times tables. That was easy because you could just use your 8 times.  You could just do 16 + 16 + 16 which equals 48. The next one that I did was 60 divided by 6 that was the easiest one. Because you could do your 6 times tables. This othjer one was also easy because itś kind of using your 11 times tables see 44 divided by 4. But another way of doing this is doing 4 circles and put little circles in to the circles until you get up to 44. The hardest thing about this was that when a question that I know comes my head just goes blank. The easiest thing was that I knew the time tables in it.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Number Plate Maths

For Maths we got the chance to do  a Number plate maths. So what you have to do is pick 2 or 3 letters and put it at the front then you have to pick 4 numbers but two of the numbers have to add up to 10 and the other two can add up to any number you want. We got to make a very own when one of the teachers showed us a example. It was pretty fun because you were able to make it hard to see but you can't colour the whole thing in. But the most challenging part was trying to think of the hardest number so they can't figure it out. The easiest part was figuring out the others one because you just have to look for the tens then add it up altogether. We had a competition I had 6 points I had the most but I had to go to road patrol. Here's mine try and figure it out and say your answer in the comments.

The two that I did stands for a Country and MK stands for my initial's.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Fair or Foul

For one of our activity's for reading we had to write about stereotypes. To see if it's Foul or Fair this is mine.

Fair or Foul? 

Below write whether you think the statement is Fair or Foul. Provide an explanation for your answer. 

Your older sister gets to stay up later than you.
Because younger people need heaps of sleep.

Your brother got money for his birthday and you didn’t.
Because you would want to buy something important or to do anything with it.

Your friend brings her ball to school but won’t let you play with it.
If she brings her ball she should share it with people.

Nick always gets to be the line leader.
So other people can have a turn and they might be a bit more respectful for the line

You save a seat for someone in the lunch area. 

Because someone might want to sit next to you.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


For the past two weeks for cybersmart we have been creating stuff on Sumo paint. We got the chance to play around with the cool brushes and tools. You can also do art on it but on a device it's a really cool way of presenting it to other people. Rather than using a slide show because you can't really design anything on a slide show. You can also change the size of your paint brush so it can be different sizes. There's also a cool tool could a symmetry tool where you can just duplicate what you paint. The most hardest thing is trying to look for a good tool to use. The easiest thing to do on Sumo paint is using some designs on it so if you have little time you can go on it here's an example.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Different but similarities

For the past week we were given a task to do it is about space and to see if there are any similarities or different things between Sally Ride and Mary Jackson. We also had to do some research about them so we know what to write.Here's some facts about both of them. Sally Ride was the first American woman in space. Mary Jackson was an Engineer. And the similarity is that they've both been to Space.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Launch time

For the past two weeks we have been learning about space.We had to make a story about space either we are watching it on TV or we are the people actually going to the moon.The hard thing was thinking of a good story to write.The easiest part was thinking of cool adjectives here's mine.

I sprung out of bed with a glimpse on my face. I got ready for launch .I had to be quick before they launch the rocket.I drove towards the launch pad I was shaking like crazy, I could barely put my spacesuit on it smelt disgusting I should of put deodorant on. I couldn’t believe that I got to go on a rocket with Neil Armstrong.

When I got into the rocket all I saw controls and buttons I barely even understand what they mean, there were Green and Red button you should not touch them and some other button.

The intercom was so bad all I could hear was static and people just saying “Check, are you ready,Roger that” Okay this is the part we’ve all been waiting for “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - Blast off!!” 

As we were taking off the force was pushing me on the seat. When I was up in space I could see the whole solar system “isn’t that remarkable” I said to Neil.I had a million questions locked inside my head I saw one of my favourite planet which is very unique and that is Saturn the 6th planet from the Sun. I felt like butterflies or something was in my tummy.

The people talking to us finally say “Neil and Merika we have landed we have landed the three days are up” woah woah woah wait I hope we don’t land on any craters.I hopped out of the rocket with a big smile on my face. I jumped everywhere and even the moonwalk. I could see Earth from the Moon it’s like moving heaven and Earth between us.

After we finished doing everything on the Moon I thought to myself and said “Man I really want to come back it’s just so hysterical.” We got back to Earth. I was so excited that I was back home and everybody cheered for Neil and I. 

How long do you think it takes to get to the Moon?

Maybe you would have a chance to go to the moon someday. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Phonics Flip Book

For the past two weeks we have been creating a Flip book parts of speech.So first we had to color it in while was coloring in I saw a word that I had know idea about so when I was doing this I actually learnt something about.Mostly I would just color it in but wanted to learn something and I did.The word that I was stuck on was Adverb.Once I colored all of the words in I read over the words so I remember what it means.Once I done that I had to cut it out and glue onto a blank sheet of a4 paper.The easiest thing was that when I read over Noun,Verb,Adjective and Pronoun I knew what they meant.But the challenging part was thinking about what adverb meant but then I remembered from my literacy class.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Brain Teaser-Sudoku

Today for Maths we had to do our brain teaser and our brain teaser was about doing a Sudoku. The easy part was putting the right number in the right box. The hardest thing was thinking of the number and put it in and I check I might have to change it,here's my Sudoku.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Can you decide?

Today for Maths in Miss Goslin's class we had to do our Maths Starter Of The Day.Today the maths starter of the day was about making maths decisions.So there is a word that they gave it is PESTO the P stands for 'prime', E is 'Even', S is 'Square', T is 'Triangular' and O stands for 'Odd'. There would be this flashing thing so it would give you and number and you have to decide if its P,S,T or O.But you only have twenty seconds to answer it once its pass 20 seconds it would show you the answer and then another question would come and would keep on going until you leave.So you can play as long as you want.The challenging part was when there is a number I only thought of 1 answer but its more than 1.The easiest thing was getting at least one answer right. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Maths Starter Of The Day

Today for Maths we had to do our Maths starter of the day.So if you don't know what it is Maths starter of the day is kinda like a calendar and whatever the date is you have to click on it.When you do you will get a problem to solve.Today for Maths starter of the day was about this man called Sid gets paid for his bonus pay for the holidays.We had choose 1 of them out of 3 here's the pay that we would choose and story.

1.A 20% pay rise today followed by a 20% cut in one week's time;

2.An $18 one time bonus

3.A $2 gift card for every nine days.

Sid earns £100 each week. For a summer holiday bonus his boss gives him a choice between three schemes. Which would you choose?
Sid Skiing
1. A 20% pay rise today followed by a 20% pay cut in one week's time;
2. An £18 'one time' bonus;
3. A £2 gift each day for the next nine days.

I picked a $2 gift card for every nine days because you can spend things at different times.If you get a 20% pay rise and get cut 20%  the next week and may really need because it maybe important.And I didn't pick the $18 bonus for one day because you could spend it all at once and not get what you want.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Seven stars of Matariki

This week for literacy we had do re tell the story of The Seven stars of Matariki because this week is Matariki. We listened to the writer read the story we had to make notes so when we make our slide show we know what to do.My buddy´s were Carla and Riansha is my buddy´s.The story was about Mitahi the youngest and his 7 brothers living in the village of Maketu and they loved no one else but their else because no one could match their beauty.One day all of them went hunting up a mountain when they got to the top they saw beautiful woman they all fell in love except for Mitahi because he knew that they were patuaiarehe  fairy woman. Mitahi knew something was going on the woman planned to starve them all to death the men became skinny and their looks faded away then they captured the woman they took them to the god of the stars and made them stars so every year they have a chance to shine.But were not quite finished.

Who Am I

For literacy we had to create sentences about our selves and what we think were act like.We had to do metaphors and similes.If you don´t know what metaphors mean it means not using like or as.And similes mean the same thing or the same thing as it.I found comparing my self to people challenging.The easy thing was thinking of a really good word and writing it down and making my story better here´s mine.

Guess Who?

Her eyes are as dark as the night sky with a shooting star shooting in her eyes. My Hair is as puffy as a small puffy cloud going puff. Their Gratitude is as high as you can travel to the sun. I’am as fast as Usain Bolt but not a Cheetah. I’m so strong that I could probably beat Dwayne Johnson in money in the bank on WWE. My Manners that I say to people takes them out of their box and explodes with a big smile on their face. When I get bored I Ignore what’s happening around me. I love Cheetahs and Dolphins because cheetahs are fast and Dolphins live the life in the ocean.Sometimes my patients can be good when a three toed sloth goes to move.My Birthstone is a blue stone like the sun shining onto the sea. When I want to try something that’s fun I get excited. Everyday I put my hair into a ponytail.Also my favorite video game is Fortnite!

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Many words than "said"

Today for Phonics we have finished doing this things that is use many more words than said because said can make the reader get bored and not read the story.So we made anything to write about said like biteable or things in our google drive.I found the words for said easy the challenging thing was having to put things in order.I done mine on biteable with some audio.
Many more words than "said" on Biteable.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Broken.Paper Scissors Rock

Today we had to finish our Broken,Paper,Scissors Rock we had to watch a video and re write it in our own words and make it more interesting to read.The video was about this Rock man falling in love with this Fairy and she was Paper.Then he fell down the cliff and he saw a angry man as scissors cutting everything and anything that stand in his way they were trying to run away then they went into a dead end and paper went charging at scissors but scissors cut her in half then rock beat him up and I think he was dead here's mine.

Broken Rock,Paper Scissors

One afternoon I was just laying on the dry dirt near tremendously enormous stones under the hot parching sun. I heard beautiful singing on the same day it sounded familiar and I think I knew who it was.So I went over the rocks and looked over.It was paper the Fairy she was in the green delighted forest checking if all the flower’s were nice and colorful. At the same time she was growing more flowers everywhere so it can be nice and tidy.When I saw her I felt like my heart was filled up with joy and my heart was gonna burst with love.

When I was watching her on a rock I was gonna ask her on a date so I  jumped off the cliff but I put to much weight on the rocks so it fell on me and it made me tumble down the cliff.It felt like a colossal wave but with rocks.It was embarrassing I thought that she would never go on a date with me.But then she said
”Hey are you okay do you want some help” said paper.
Then I stuttered saying my words
”uumm bbhh douh”. 
In the distance I heard screeching So I turned around there was this crazy person coming after Paper I think it was a person?.He was cutting down everything and anything that stands in his way.

He started to get faster and faster so I grabbed Paper’s hand but I couldn’t because paper beats rock so I whispered to paper and said”Come quick that dark man is coming after you come on”That man was cutting the grass and cutting the tree 's.Paper looked back and went with rock.I grabbed her hand and  ran threw a forest and into this place that looks like Mars we ran everywhere but it was all dead ends, He caught up with us at another dead end Paper and I were petrified.

Paper whispered to me and said
”I’m sorry rock but that is my crazy ex I left him because he was being mean to me he’s probably jealous and want to get back with me but it’s okay, I can take care of it oh and by the way his name is Scissors”said Paper.Then she flew to Scissors as fast as the wind like a hurricane was coming but then!

Scissors cut her I ran over to her but Scissors came and hit me on my back,I was raging so I turned around and punched him.I upper cupped him and jumped really high like hulk.He looked at me and said to himself,”Why did I do this”said Scissors I smashed the ground I ran over to Paper I shook her to see if she was still alive.She was still breathing so I tried to pick her up but I was cracking but I didn’t care I would rather give up my life for a beautiful girl like her.I put her on a leaf when she cracking and cracking when I put her down I just died before she woke up.When she woke up she saw me and grabbed my head and said

”It would be a crying shame to let my tears go to waste”sais paper.

Friday, June 21, 2019

positions,Directions and coordinates

So today for Maths Strand we had to get a grid and draw a 8 by 8 square and put A to H at the top and on the side we had to put 1 to 8.and the 4D was where we had to put the star and put the question mark in 8B we also had to start at the star and work our way down using directions and degrees but we had to try and bot go straight down here's mine.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Zios and Zepts

For Maths today we had to work on our brain teaser and our brain teaser was about aliens and see how many Zepts and Zios are there this man counted 52 legs so we had to use our time tables to see how many Zepts and Zios there are .

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Rhyme Zone

In writing for literacy we had to write this poem and add a new sentence on.And when we had to think of a word and make as many rhyme as possible but put it into a sentence here is mine.I found hard was trying to come up with as many rhyme words that rhymes with food and writing it into a sentence.The easy part was nothing.

Click Here To See My Poem


For math's in Miss Goslin's  class we had to do this thing where one of our foot's is bigger than the other one.So first we had to measure our  feet with a ruler and my left foot was just longer than my right foot my left foot was 23 cm and my right foot was 22  cm.So I if you get shoes the same size one of your foot's might be a little squished so get a bigger one.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The lost Horse

For the past week in literacy we have been writing pair writing so you had to get a buddy my buddy was Emma we wrote A story about The lost Horse.The horses name was Aleisha and her owners wont feed her or anything she had to provide food by herself that was hard they wasn't very nice at all then she just had enough and roamed of in the country she saw a scrumptious apple in the distance she ate it then she woke up in this magical stable. Here is my writing
The Lost Horse.

My plan
Introduction:  she was lost she didn’t know what to do she was lonely and hungry.

Middle:  she escapes the farm and gets lost in the country then she ends back at the farm!!.       

Ending:  she get a home but she gets a bad home again and escapes again.
There was a tall, brown  horse in an old rustic stable. She was very lonely, she had no one to talk to and her mind got full of words. Her owner’s weren’t  that nice to her every night she would get no food.She would get hungry, she had to provide for herself.

Her name was Aleisha, she could jump over a log fence that was about 4 foot. But she didn’t want to because she was afraid that she would get lost in the country. “One night” she said to herself  “I will jump over the fence”.

A few nights later Aleisha decided that she had a enough! She tried jumping over the fence, but it didn’t work out, She was really anxious to jump over the fence, and she was kicking, the back of the fence to get out!  She put her tail between her legs, Then the owner heard her trying to jump over the fence and then they put her back into the dark and cold stable.

Then Aleisha heard walking over to her. She managed to jump over the fence but she court over the fence, but her owners put Aleisha back into the stable. The next night She managed to jump over the fence but, Her owners didn’t come out to put her back in the stable She was confused? that her owners didn’t put her back in her stable, She ran like she has never ran before,. She flick her mane in the wind, days later she got lost in the country she thought to herself that she has to find a home that loves me. So started to walk towards south.

And then she saw a delicious apple she wanted to eat it, and so she tried and tried to jump up and get it but then in one more jump she got  it.Once she got the apple she ate it she fell asleep and when she woke up she saw these very warm stables there.she thought that she was in heaven and she walked to this garden and there were these people and they were looking after her she thought that she found a family that loved her and she was right.then she spent the rest of her life there and they lived happily ever after.

By Emma and Merika


Friday, May 31, 2019

Going on a bear hunt-Maths-directions

In math's we are learning about directions.We listened to the story
That we picked out the obstacles in the story.We then drew a map on the we to had think carefully about that so that it can be more creative on the map.Then we had to write directions from the house to the cave.We had to use our map to write it down and a compass so we now where to go.The hardest thing was to write everything down but the most easiest thing was drawing the pictures. 

Monday, May 27, 2019

Coca Cola in pool with mentos

For Math's in Miss Goslin's class we had to watch this video where this guy fills his pool up with coca cola and we had see how much liters or gallons there was in a pool.And my answer was 1,500 gallons.Once they put all of the coca cola in they put a 2 liter bucket full of Mentos they chucked it in and it started to fizz up .Then they jumped into the pool and put the drone in to see what it looks like under without opening there eyes here's a video.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Little Red Riding Hood

In math's we are learning about coordinates.We learnt that you say the letter first and then the number.Our map was about the story 'Little Red Riding Hood.' We had to do 2 things first we had to follow the instruction's to see where to draw the pictures once we done that we had to color it in.Then we had to find all of the things that was on the top of the map.So we had to find Grandma's house,Little Red riding hood's house.the pond and bluebell's.I found easy trying to find the stuff and what i found hard was trying to draw the things inside the boxes because it was kind of small.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Mr Pigeon

For literacy today we watched a short clip from a movie it was called Pigeon Impossible it was about this mysterious Agent and the Agent´s name was Walter he was trying to complete a mission he done one of the important things until he just had to eat his bagel.When opened up his secret case the bird attacked him.So he did not complete the mission he failed but he did save Russia from getting blown up by the Pigeon.

We had four tasks and that was to do a wanted poster what he would do next a comic strip or breaking news on daily news.I chose A wanted poster I had to make a pigeon out of shapes and everything else.I found making the pigeon hard and I found putting the words in easy.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Suffixes and prefixes

For the past two weeks we've been working on a work sheet and the work sheet is all about suffixes and prefixes we had to match the prefix words with the root work like this.So in the prefix word I would put a be and i put a side so combined the two words together and it would be.beside then once we done that we had to pick five words and make it into sentences .Then we had to pick two other words and draw pictures of it and colour it in,

Friday, May 3, 2019

How to create a working fortune teller

This week we have been making alot of fortune tellers in Miss Williamson's literacy class and I mean a lot.When we have made over like 3 fortune tellers we had to start making instruction for when people get bored they can make a fortune teller so they don't get bored.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Treasure maps

For the past two weeks or so Mr Breach's literacy class has been doing some treasure maps the first part we had to get was a4 paper and scrunch it up.Then we had to dip it into a bowl of tea with cold water we dipped it in twice.Once we finished that we would slowly open it without it ripping then we had to lay it down.And if we wanted we could rip pieces off of the side so it could look more old then we had to leave it over night.Then in the afternoon when we went back to literacy we got to draw things on it and once we finished that we got to colour it in.Third of all we got to roll it up and put string around it this is what mine looks like.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


For my Prescription I had write about what happened before everything happened and what happened during it.Then we had to write down whats gonna happen in the future.This is what it looks like.

All About Me

This week for cybersmart we have made a slide show about All about Me.I just Finished my all about me today.We had write everything all about our self my favourite thing doing it was adding music of our kind but no swear words.For my song I put happier by Marshmello and Bastille I done that song because it feels like it just goes with the slide.The craziest part was waiting for it to upload it toke for ever.The most easiest part was adding the music and writing.The most hardest thing for this was thinking of what to write cause I have heaps of Ideas then I just lose then I have to try hard and remember it.It is annoying anyway you probably want to see it so here it is.

All about me on Biteable.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Novel Study-Battle of words

For the last couple of weeks my group has been reading Battle of words.The main Character's name is called P.S McGunnity she is good at skating on her roller skates.Her next door neighbour is called C.V Moles Worth.They do not get along but P.S McGunnity tries to apologize but it always goes wrong.

Title;Battle of words

Yes I liked the book because sometime's when I read it I feel really sorry for P.S McGunnity.
The Activity sheets helped me by writing down what I know so I don't have to keep on thinking of it.
I give it a 5 star rate.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Today for writing we were talking about what does Kindness mean.First we had to brain storm what kindness means then we got put into groups of 3 I was with Lucas and Tyler.We were given a piece of paper and a vivid we had to write all the things we know about kindness.When our 10 minutes was up we had to come on the mat and share everything that we had on our piece of paper then the teacher wrote down everything that we said to the enormous paper.When we done that we had to write something kind of like a poem so here's mine.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Learning how to play Hockey

Today my class and I went to Hockey with this man called Peter.He's from Canterbury Hockey club.We learnt how to hold a Hockey stick so your left arm is at the top and the right arm on the bottom.When we learnt how to do that we learnt how to dribble the ball.You just imagine that tape or something sticky is on the stick and the ball is attached on the stick.Once I got the hand of it I tried to run while dribbling the ball and trying to dodge people by putting my stick in front.Once that was finished we played a game like Rob the nest but in Hockey.He gave us each a number and if your number got called out you will run out and get one ball at a time and once they all ran out you could go and steal others ball from there nest.The easiest thing was learning how to dribble the ball.The most challenging thing was probably trying to dodge people from crashing and the most fun part was when we played Rob the nest.


Thursday, February 21, 2019

All about me

So for the past two or three weeks my class room has been going on google drawing and have been making a picture of us using the shapes and the most challenging part was the body because you had to click on every single button.The most easy part was writing in the text about 5 things about me and doing the back round.And this is what my picture looks like.