
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Broken.Paper Scissors Rock

Today we had to finish our Broken,Paper,Scissors Rock we had to watch a video and re write it in our own words and make it more interesting to read.The video was about this Rock man falling in love with this Fairy and she was Paper.Then he fell down the cliff and he saw a angry man as scissors cutting everything and anything that stand in his way they were trying to run away then they went into a dead end and paper went charging at scissors but scissors cut her in half then rock beat him up and I think he was dead here's mine.

Broken Rock,Paper Scissors

One afternoon I was just laying on the dry dirt near tremendously enormous stones under the hot parching sun. I heard beautiful singing on the same day it sounded familiar and I think I knew who it was.So I went over the rocks and looked over.It was paper the Fairy she was in the green delighted forest checking if all the flower’s were nice and colorful. At the same time she was growing more flowers everywhere so it can be nice and tidy.When I saw her I felt like my heart was filled up with joy and my heart was gonna burst with love.

When I was watching her on a rock I was gonna ask her on a date so I  jumped off the cliff but I put to much weight on the rocks so it fell on me and it made me tumble down the cliff.It felt like a colossal wave but with rocks.It was embarrassing I thought that she would never go on a date with me.But then she said
”Hey are you okay do you want some help” said paper.
Then I stuttered saying my words
”uumm bbhh douh”. 
In the distance I heard screeching So I turned around there was this crazy person coming after Paper I think it was a person?.He was cutting down everything and anything that stands in his way.

He started to get faster and faster so I grabbed Paper’s hand but I couldn’t because paper beats rock so I whispered to paper and said”Come quick that dark man is coming after you come on”That man was cutting the grass and cutting the tree 's.Paper looked back and went with rock.I grabbed her hand and  ran threw a forest and into this place that looks like Mars we ran everywhere but it was all dead ends, He caught up with us at another dead end Paper and I were petrified.

Paper whispered to me and said
”I’m sorry rock but that is my crazy ex I left him because he was being mean to me he’s probably jealous and want to get back with me but it’s okay, I can take care of it oh and by the way his name is Scissors”said Paper.Then she flew to Scissors as fast as the wind like a hurricane was coming but then!

Scissors cut her I ran over to her but Scissors came and hit me on my back,I was raging so I turned around and punched him.I upper cupped him and jumped really high like hulk.He looked at me and said to himself,”Why did I do this”said Scissors I smashed the ground I ran over to Paper I shook her to see if she was still alive.She was still breathing so I tried to pick her up but I was cracking but I didn’t care I would rather give up my life for a beautiful girl like her.I put her on a leaf when she cracking and cracking when I put her down I just died before she woke up.When she woke up she saw me and grabbed my head and said

”It would be a crying shame to let my tears go to waste”sais paper.

Friday, June 21, 2019

positions,Directions and coordinates

So today for Maths Strand we had to get a grid and draw a 8 by 8 square and put A to H at the top and on the side we had to put 1 to 8.and the 4D was where we had to put the star and put the question mark in 8B we also had to start at the star and work our way down using directions and degrees but we had to try and bot go straight down here's mine.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Zios and Zepts

For Maths today we had to work on our brain teaser and our brain teaser was about aliens and see how many Zepts and Zios are there this man counted 52 legs so we had to use our time tables to see how many Zepts and Zios there are .

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Rhyme Zone

In writing for literacy we had to write this poem and add a new sentence on.And when we had to think of a word and make as many rhyme as possible but put it into a sentence here is mine.I found hard was trying to come up with as many rhyme words that rhymes with food and writing it into a sentence.The easy part was nothing.

Click Here To See My Poem


For math's in Miss Goslin's  class we had to do this thing where one of our foot's is bigger than the other one.So first we had to measure our  feet with a ruler and my left foot was just longer than my right foot my left foot was 23 cm and my right foot was 22  cm.So I if you get shoes the same size one of your foot's might be a little squished so get a bigger one.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The lost Horse

For the past week in literacy we have been writing pair writing so you had to get a buddy my buddy was Emma we wrote A story about The lost Horse.The horses name was Aleisha and her owners wont feed her or anything she had to provide food by herself that was hard they wasn't very nice at all then she just had enough and roamed of in the country she saw a scrumptious apple in the distance she ate it then she woke up in this magical stable. Here is my writing
The Lost Horse.

My plan
Introduction:  she was lost she didn’t know what to do she was lonely and hungry.

Middle:  she escapes the farm and gets lost in the country then she ends back at the farm!!.       

Ending:  she get a home but she gets a bad home again and escapes again.
There was a tall, brown  horse in an old rustic stable. She was very lonely, she had no one to talk to and her mind got full of words. Her owner’s weren’t  that nice to her every night she would get no food.She would get hungry, she had to provide for herself.

Her name was Aleisha, she could jump over a log fence that was about 4 foot. But she didn’t want to because she was afraid that she would get lost in the country. “One night” she said to herself  “I will jump over the fence”.

A few nights later Aleisha decided that she had a enough! She tried jumping over the fence, but it didn’t work out, She was really anxious to jump over the fence, and she was kicking, the back of the fence to get out!  She put her tail between her legs, Then the owner heard her trying to jump over the fence and then they put her back into the dark and cold stable.

Then Aleisha heard walking over to her. She managed to jump over the fence but she court over the fence, but her owners put Aleisha back into the stable. The next night She managed to jump over the fence but, Her owners didn’t come out to put her back in the stable She was confused? that her owners didn’t put her back in her stable, She ran like she has never ran before,. She flick her mane in the wind, days later she got lost in the country she thought to herself that she has to find a home that loves me. So started to walk towards south.

And then she saw a delicious apple she wanted to eat it, and so she tried and tried to jump up and get it but then in one more jump she got  it.Once she got the apple she ate it she fell asleep and when she woke up she saw these very warm stables there.she thought that she was in heaven and she walked to this garden and there were these people and they were looking after her she thought that she found a family that loved her and she was right.then she spent the rest of her life there and they lived happily ever after.

By Emma and Merika