
Thursday, September 10, 2020

The end of the Hurmanu 1 Work

So for the end of the Hurumanu 1 work we had to do a practice test for all things we have done.


Go to the “WHO ARE WE?” Yr 7/8 Hurumanu site  and find answers to the following:

  1.   What does ‘Multimodal’ mean? A activity that will allow you to practice interacting with task boards . _______________________________________________________

  2.   Find the 1st multimodal board we have studied and copy the 2 points found in the LEARN box.

i) I am learning to understand the importance of our history. ___________________________________________________________

ii) I am learning to use a multimodal task board. ___________________________________________________________

  1.   Choose 1 of the 6 photos you have studied and write 1 sentence to explain what is happening in the photo.

So in one of the photos a family wanted to take a photo but they had to sit sill, and so the parents had to hold the children still. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1.   Scroll down to the ‘GOLD RUSH’ multimodal board and on the way.

  1. Name the tourist town on the West Coast that recreates how life was like during the Gold Rush.  Shantytown _____________________________

  2. Find the ‘LEVEL 2 Task Board’ with Gold Rush activities and complete the following:

WALT =Understand our past immigrant community. ______________________________________________

Success Criteria: i) Acknowledge the involvement of the Chinese in our History. ____________________________________________________

                           ii) Understand what discrimintaion is and how it identifies it. ____________________________________________________

  1. Go to the ‘LEVEL 3 Task Board’ with Gold Rush activities and complete the following:

WALT = __Understand what the Gold Rush looked in Nz. ____________________________________________

Success Criteria: i)Understand what the Gold Rush looked in Nz. ___________________________________________________

                        ii)Understand how families felt during this time. ___________________________________________________

     iii) Understand how the Gold Rush happened and its impact. _____________________________________________________

5.   Find the Multimodal Board for PARIHAKA

  1. List 3 things from the LEARN box that you were expected to learn

i)Discover some of the key protests events that have happened. ___________________________________________________

                        ii)Understand the consequences of possible choices. ___________________________________________________

     iii)I am a citizen of this world.  _____________________________________________________

  1.   Copy the Success Criteria for work you had to CREATE (see box).

i)I have reread to check information. ___________________________________________________

                        ii)My layout is clear and easy to read. ___________________________________________________

     iii)My spelling and punctuation are correct. _____________________________________________________

     iv) My info and ideas help my audience understand learning history. _____________________________________________________

  1.  Find the EXTRA MAHI box and write 3 facts about Non-violent protest

     i) Parihaka leaders used non-violence protests. _____________________________________________________

     ii)Martin Luther King and other people in History have done the same.  _____________________________________________________

     iii)It is a powerful way of standing up for powerful people. _____________________________________________________

6.   Go to the World War 1 Multimodal Board and copy the 1st LO that you find in the LEARN box

     i) How ww1 helped to identify as Nz. _____________________________________________________

7.  Scroll down to ‘Women's Suffrage’.

i) Name the NZ woman whose face is on the $10 note:Kate Sheppard. _____________________

ii) Which country was 1st in the world to get the vote for women?New Zealand ____________

1 comment:

  1. Great 'exploring' Merika... you've navigated yourself around the site very well. You can delete the lines when you do the work on your device.. they're just there for the people who need to work on hardcopy.. and when you Blog, you can weave all the facts into a few paragraphs or a mini essay!:-)
