
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Launch time

For the past two weeks we have been learning about space.We had to make a story about space either we are watching it on TV or we are the people actually going to the moon.The hard thing was thinking of a good story to write.The easiest part was thinking of cool adjectives here's mine.

I sprung out of bed with a glimpse on my face. I got ready for launch .I had to be quick before they launch the rocket.I drove towards the launch pad I was shaking like crazy, I could barely put my spacesuit on it smelt disgusting I should of put deodorant on. I couldn’t believe that I got to go on a rocket with Neil Armstrong.

When I got into the rocket all I saw controls and buttons I barely even understand what they mean, there were Green and Red button you should not touch them and some other button.

The intercom was so bad all I could hear was static and people just saying “Check, are you ready,Roger that” Okay this is the part we’ve all been waiting for “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - Blast off!!” 

As we were taking off the force was pushing me on the seat. When I was up in space I could see the whole solar system “isn’t that remarkable” I said to Neil.I had a million questions locked inside my head I saw one of my favourite planet which is very unique and that is Saturn the 6th planet from the Sun. I felt like butterflies or something was in my tummy.

The people talking to us finally say “Neil and Merika we have landed we have landed the three days are up” woah woah woah wait I hope we don’t land on any craters.I hopped out of the rocket with a big smile on my face. I jumped everywhere and even the moonwalk. I could see Earth from the Moon it’s like moving heaven and Earth between us.

After we finished doing everything on the Moon I thought to myself and said “Man I really want to come back it’s just so hysterical.” We got back to Earth. I was so excited that I was back home and everybody cheered for Neil and I. 

How long do you think it takes to get to the Moon?

Maybe you would have a chance to go to the moon someday. 

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