
Friday, May 22, 2020

Making ends meet

For a few days I have been working on  an activity called Making ends meet. It's about having $200 and spending on breakfast, lunch and dinner and it has to last the whole week. The best thing was getting to go shopping online so when I get older I know how to do it. But I hated adding all the money up here's mine.


  1. Great work Merika! I absolutely love your menu and think that this is the exact food that I would have liked to eat when I was your age!
    You have done an awesome job ensuring that you have all the ingredients that you need and adding up the total cost.
    Mrs Hastie

  2. Kiaora Merika I absolutely love your menu and think that this is the food that I would like to eat you have down an outstanding job keep up the good work.

  3. That looks like a very full and detailed menu Merika. You've researched the cost of everything well and reading through it all makes me very hungry! Ka pai!
