
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Word problems

For maths today we had to do division problems. The first one that I did was 48 divided by 6 that one was easy because you just have to use your times tables. That was easy because you could just use your 8 times.  You could just do 16 + 16 + 16 which equals 48. The next one that I did was 60 divided by 6 that was the easiest one. Because you could do your 6 times tables. This othjer one was also easy because itś kind of using your 11 times tables see 44 divided by 4. But another way of doing this is doing 4 circles and put little circles in to the circles until you get up to 44. The hardest thing about this was that when a question that I know comes my head just goes blank. The easiest thing was that I knew the time tables in it.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Number Plate Maths

For Maths we got the chance to do  a Number plate maths. So what you have to do is pick 2 or 3 letters and put it at the front then you have to pick 4 numbers but two of the numbers have to add up to 10 and the other two can add up to any number you want. We got to make a very own when one of the teachers showed us a example. It was pretty fun because you were able to make it hard to see but you can't colour the whole thing in. But the most challenging part was trying to think of the hardest number so they can't figure it out. The easiest part was figuring out the others one because you just have to look for the tens then add it up altogether. We had a competition I had 6 points I had the most but I had to go to road patrol. Here's mine try and figure it out and say your answer in the comments.

The two that I did stands for a Country and MK stands for my initial's.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Fair or Foul

For one of our activity's for reading we had to write about stereotypes. To see if it's Foul or Fair this is mine.

Fair or Foul? 

Below write whether you think the statement is Fair or Foul. Provide an explanation for your answer. 

Your older sister gets to stay up later than you.
Because younger people need heaps of sleep.

Your brother got money for his birthday and you didn’t.
Because you would want to buy something important or to do anything with it.

Your friend brings her ball to school but won’t let you play with it.
If she brings her ball she should share it with people.

Nick always gets to be the line leader.
So other people can have a turn and they might be a bit more respectful for the line

You save a seat for someone in the lunch area. 

Because someone might want to sit next to you.