
Monday, June 29, 2020

2020 Hurumanu 3 Learning Story

Today for science Nevaeh, Kisziah and myself were doing this activity sheet, about what we were doing for science. First we done Biltong then we done water filtration, and the one that we are doing at the moment it planting.

My Learning Story
Hurumanu:          Hur3                                          
Name: Merika Kaitao

Give at least three examples in each of the boxes below.
What We Did: 
  • Planting 
  •  Water Filtration
  • Biltong
What I Learned: 
  • For planting I learnt that you have to be very careful with the plant, because you don't want the seed in the water.
  •  That you can clean dirty water.
  • That you can preserve meat for a long time, by putting salt and sugar on it and hanging it up.
My Favourite Part:
  •  Putting the seed carefully on the paper towel.
  • Setting up what to do..
  • Putting the salt on the meat and waiting for the end result.
My Next Steps:
  •  That I will try and use this technique when I plant.
  •  I don't know but I would want to keep doing it.
  • When i’m older try and preserve the meat when I go on a trip. But not eat it.

CARR Values: 
Make a statement below describing how you showed each of our CARR values during this Hurumanu.
I think I did pretty good on commitment on every station, and I didn’t miss a session.
I think I achieved everything jk.
I think I respected every station except for the water filtration part.
Any other comments

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