
Monday, December 10, 2018

Term 4 Reading

This term we have been learning how to read in between the lines Mrs Jack told all the kids if there is something to do with reading you put it in the term four reading slide so the first novel to the last you had to put all you know into the slide when Mrs Jack taught me new things when we read a book like she taught me what reading in between the lines here is my slide for the term four reading slide.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

How to brush your teeth

Si today i have finished my slide show it is called how to teach five year olds how to brush there teeth properly so here is my slide show.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Australia - Summer Learning prep 1

So today for summer learning journey we had to answer so question and answer it there ten different countries and had to read all of them with in 10 minutes the first question was.

1.What is the name for the Capital City?
And it was Canberra (Capital City)

2.The population for the Capital City is ?
Year       Population      Density (p/k2)

2018       24,772,247     3

3.The weather was usually  in January?

4.Where is the capital city located?
Deep in the pacific ocean

5.The languages are most common spoken in the Capital City are?
There is one official language - English.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

How to wash your hands

For the past four weeks My class and I have been making a animation about how to wash your hands for five year old's the easy part was making the sentences the hard part was making everything and here is my animation I hope you like it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Math's quetions

In maths we have been learning about making maths questions from a picture.First we made some strategy to do with maths then we had to put it in the sheet I found it easy because I kept on thinking so it made it more easier.

Math's Questions - Tyres

What Maths Questions can you make up about this picture?

How many fractions will there be?

What would the time be if I start climbing at the top and  start at 9am and it takes about 1 in a half hours to do it?

Count in twos to see how many tyres there is ?

How many tyre will there be?

How many minutes or hours will it take to burn all of it?

If I stack all of the tyres up I start a 5 minutes past 6 pm and it takes me 4 in a half hours to stack it all up what will it be altogether

How would you work out the answers? What strategy could you use?

Skip count
Get a robot scanner
Times tables
Count in tens

Friday, October 26, 2018

The life education bus

Yesterday my class and I went to life education we done something different from Wednesday it was raining it was very wet the first thing that we did was watch some videos about who is making the conversation worst and someone that doesn't really care.Then heard Harold sing it was very cool it was a karaoke song that he made then that was the end then Jo gave the books to the teacher.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

The difference between a Boss or a Leader

In life education we are learning about relationships and being with other people.We have done activities in the life education bus. we  done a personality test.I was a Beaver we watched a video where all the people wear the same thing I learnt it is good to be different because if you looked the same your parents wouldn't know who you are.We learnt the difference between a boss and a leader.We had to match up the sentence of a leader to the opposite of a boss.

Friday, September 28, 2018

How to blog comment

For the past 2 weeks we have been doing a slide show to teach people how to blog comment so I drawed a robot and said the instruction's for how to make a blog comment.

True or False

Today we done statistics today instead of Monday cause we didn't have time so we had to do a slide called True or false questions we had to do it so Mrs McGuinniety could write our school reports so the first slide we had to work by our self's we had to write what we think the question will be about the we had to miss the second one cause we had to work as a pair so I went onto the the third slide we had to write true or false questions and then we had to go and find a buddy to work with and write down statements about the graph.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

A walk in the park

2 weeks ago I made a story of a walk in the park.

Aaahhh!! What is that?!

At night time on Friday the 13th I walked to a park I saw something I don’t know what it was but I wanted to see if a killer clown could be real.

As I was walking through the park, I saw something weird it was hard to see  since it was pitch black. Although in the corner of my eye I saw something move. But when I went near the tree I looked up and I could see a dark red thing going down the tree, I got a clear view the first thing that popped in my head was blood when I saw it I was scared cause you don’t know what might happened.I started  to walk all around the park I started to see a playground so then I went to it ...

… When I did I saw a  seesaw when I looked back I saw a little light.As I looked back the seesaw moved,A while after that happened I went to the light.When I went to the light I didn’t know where I was until I saw someone run to the playground.It looked like it was a killer clown so I ran after whoever it was cause I really wanted to know if a  killer clown is real.This was my dream and now i'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

But sooner or later I got a  closer view I could just see the killer clown I kept on moving forward then I kinda saw it It liked like Pennywise I told him or her to show yourself so that person did and so I grabbed my flashlight out and what do you know it is just a kid in a clown and he said,
“ Hi I don’t know where I’m can you take me back home please”

So I did but I kinda got lost myself cause my light for my car doesn’t work man I got scared from fake blood and a fake killer clown think i’ve been threw enough scary thing tonight.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Calendar art

For calendar art this week we have learnt to blend colour's with paint.I really enjoyed painting but found it difficult to get crisp lines.First we sketched an out line then we started at the top and worked down.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The mystrey at number 7

in the  first novel study my group was named rat burger our first book was The mystrey at number 7
we had to read each chapter each day it was like when there was a woman named Maranda that moved in to number 7 and Bec,Abbey go and find out why she doesn't sleep in there and when finished reading with Mrs Jack we had to do our y - chart.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Hokey Pokey

Hokey Pokey

Hokey pokey is a sweet candy that can give you diabetes hokey pokey is a sugary toffee with a light sponge texture it is made by ‘cadbury’ covered by chocolate its main ingredients is golden syrup and sugar hokey pokey is only made in New Zealand.Hokey pokey has been around since the 1950’s.

First place sugar and golden syrup in a saucepan, continuously until the sugar dissolves.

Second you put in ½ a cup of sugar into a medium saucepan then pour in ¼ a cup of maple syrup in with the sugar and while your doing that heat up the stove so when your finished doing that put in some hot water.

Then let the sugar mixture melt and when it’s melted pour 2 tsp of baking soda then you set the timer on for three minutes and keep stirring but do it really fast and once you put the baking soda in it will go fluffy and then you are finished leave it out for like about an hour.


The chemical reaction was caused by the gas carbon dioxide was released from ‘cadbury’.


Friday, August 24, 2018

An Explanation of Hokey Pokey

This week in Mrs Jack's literacy class, we learnt how to make hokey pokey, then while Mrs Jack was making it we had to write down some notes and here are the ingredients and things;
a pot, spatula, sugar, golden syrup, baking paper also baking soda.

Step 1;
So first put in half of a cup of sugar into the pot.

Step 2;
Then put some golden syrup into the pot.

Step 3;
Then grab the spatula and set the timer for three minutes.

Step 4;
Then when the mixture is mixed and melted, set it for another three minutes.

Step 5;
Then pour two tsp of baking soda into the pot.

Step 6;
Next, leave it out for about an hour then you can eat it.

Friday, August 17, 2018


So this week we have been writing about proverbs and for science we talked about what is a solid,gas,and liquid and we had to put all the things in to the right place and you had to finish what we done last week and  he is some of my work about proverbs.

To hide one lie a thousand lies are needed

Great developers are hard to find.Let Toptal match you with top developer talent for your next project.If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.if you lie you have to keep lying.

Better to be a free bird than a captive king

One interpretation of this proverb is that it is better to live simply and enjoy the freedom it brings,than being a mighty king with many responsibilities.

Eyes can see everything except themselves

The eyes are a window to your secrets and heart eyes can give everything away or can be like a shield and keep everything locked away.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Math's bar graph

These past weeks in math's-Statistics  we have been working on a bar graph. We made a graph about people's favorite types of party's.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Pizza Maths

                                              Pizza Math´s
This week for math´s we were making fraction pizza´s with Mrs s.We made a pizza base and put our toppings on it.We then had to work out what fraction of each toppings we had.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Last week for literacy we learnt about of an explanation of sea turtles.

Title How turtles grow into adults

Sea turtles have existed since the Jurassic. They have lived for over 150 million years.When the mother turtle lays her eggs she looks for somewhere high to lay her eggs.

First,deposited as a clutch of leathery, ping-pong ball-sized eggs into a nesting pit dug by its mother high on the beach. after the mother lays her eggs there will be one thousand eggs laid.

A small sea turtle is the size of your palm unfortunately 20% of the sea turtles will never hatch. Roughly a month and a half after having been laid,the surviving eggs hatch, squirm to the emerging from the sand along the way,debris,pitfalls,seagulls,crabs,racoons and other threats. Also only 50% of those that reach the surface will perish.

Growing up
Then find a whole new host of predators awaiting them; Various fish, dolphins, sharks, and sea birds, and when they run out of breath they will go up for air.

The survivors will increase in size,from that of a dinner plate at year one to that a dinner table,two decades later the survivors will be old enough to breed.

So I will try and stop people from putting chemicals into the sea.The complete of this non-fiction story is that how sea turtles become adults. Also the sea turtles are endangered there is 7 species left.
I like your introduction

I like how you wrote the paragraph about the baby turtles because you used the right punctuation and simplified words.

You just need to put more punctuation, you can also put more information to your growing up paragraph. And you can improve your conclusion by changing some ordinary words to scientific ones. But anyway, I liked how you explained your explanation.

Angie - Buddy checked

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

This is what I know about weather

This is what I know about weather 

please comment and share your knowledge about weather so I gain more information for my learning.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Novel Study

This term we are gonna be learning about what a narrative (novel) is.So it is like you have to have a problem  and a title the next thing we are gonna learn about is what I know about the character I know that you have to have what it looks like there has to be a talent,voice and a main character then there is one more thing and that is what you know about questions because good readers question themselves about there reading and if readers don´t have the answer they have to find it.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Facts about Brazil and Carnival

                                            Rio carnival 

For literacy we are learning about the Rio carnival. Me and Angie made notes. 

Facts about Carnival

1.  Carnival is celebrated in 50 countries.
2. Carnival means Carne Vale in Italy;
3. Carne=Meat Vale=Farewell (Which you are saying goodbye to meat)
4. It is also held on Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent (Easter).
5. It’s a Christian Celebration
6. You have to give up something you like/love for 40 days.
7. They dance with music & go on & on
8. It is the most important festival in Brazil
9. There is over 2 million people there.
10.Rio Carnival starts on Friday and ends on Wednesday so it lasts for six days
11. People wear masks to hide their face so they won’t be recognized because some people aren’t Catholic. And in many years, this became a tradition
12. There were 1.1M people that went to the Carnival on 2016.

Facts about Brazil

Official Name: Federal Republic of Brazil
Area:  3,286,470 square miles (8,511,965 square kilometres)
Population: 183, 888, 841
Official Language: Portuguese
Capital: Brasilia

Brazil is the largest country in South America and it’s the fifth largest nation in the world. Brazil is the only country in South America that speaks Portuguese. Brazil covers 3 time zones.

The Brazilian landscape is very varied. It is most well known for its dense forests, including the Amazon, the world’s largest rainforest, in the north. The Amazon is not one river but a network of many hundreds of waterways. Its total length stretches 6,840km, making it the longest river on Earth. Thousands of species live in the river, including the infamous piranha and the boto, or pink river dolphin.

Brazil is also home to the world’s largest carnival – Rio Carnival

Most Brazilians are descended from three ethnic groups: Amerindians, European settlers (mainly from Portugal) and Africans. Brazilians are crazy about football, and their country has produced some of the most popular players in the world! Brazil has won the FIFA World Cup finals five times, more than any other nation.

Portugal established its first colony in Brazil in 1530. Colonists created sugarcane plantations along the coast and sent diamonds and gold back to Europe. Soon, people from West Africa were brought to Brazil to work as slaves. The discovery of large inland gold reserves brought thousands of people from the coasts and abroad to the interior of the country.
Image result for brazil flag

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Joyful Poetry


As I walked on the beach my joyfulness just made me feel jolly.

As I see myself weeping my tears of joy as I take my last dance.

So I hear the lovely music of my precious heart.

I feel the ocean breeze as I dance  with passion and confidence.

I smell the fragrance of the lovely red roses.

I taste joy from my free soul.

Joyful looks like walking on the seashore under the sunlight.

Monday, June 25, 2018

this week in literacy

This week in literacy I have been learning about Chinese new year

Friday, June 15, 2018

Chinese new year

so today Maia and I were reading with Miss Hanson in Whakarua we read about the Chinese new year I actually learnt quit a bit so after that me and Maia made a slideshow about the Chinese new year like what you have learnt and what they do.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Soldier Image result for soldier cartoon
Hospital Image result for hospital cartoon images creepy
Screamś Image result for screams cartoon

One creepy day I was in the dark hospital alone I don't know what happened. All I can remember is that I was playing hide and go seek, so i just came into this hospital and hid from my cousins. But while I was there, I could hear a baby stomping on the stepś Then, when it was getting near the door it stopped and then it started again so then I waited for a while  then I ran for my life, but at the window I saw a man looking at me in a very creepy way. It was like he wanted to kill me… But why? when I itś off limits but when l turned back he wasn’t there but when I looked straight he was there then I was like what the hell so then I just ran and SCREAMED at the same time.

Buddy Checked by: Angie

I love how the way you wrote this horror story and next time put other words than but.

measuring things with metres

In Maths we are learning about measurement.Today we learnt about metres. Our task was that we had to measure things like a table then when you have estimated you go and measure it and the number you guest then you had to work the difference between my guest and the actual measurement and i enjoyed measuring things.

Estimated Length
Actual Length
Cafe Table
The orange couch
The bookshelf
The white table
Length of the door
The window
Teacher table
Shelf of Toys

Monday, June 11, 2018

So for the next two weeks in literacy we are gonna be learning about Chinese  New Year so what I already know is that they go into this long scary dragon suit and also that they have lanterns and it must be really cool to have fun festival´s but the main thing is that in china they have people that go to New Zealand and do really fun activities.